Readers' Roundtable: Kenneth Whyte
The Sack of Detroit: General Motors and the End of American Enterprise
In the 1950s and 60s, the American auto industry was one of the strongest manufacturing sectors in the world. By 2009, many of these same automakers were asking for government bailouts. What caused such a reversal? In a provocative new book, The Sack of Detroit, journalist Kenneth Whyte argues that onerous car regulations and zeal for consumer protection precipitated the decline of the American automotive industry. Join acclaimed author Kenneth Whyte and fellow Adam Smith Society Young Leaders for a roundtable discussion on the history of American capitalism.
Adam Smith Society Young Leaders and Professionals will a receive complimentary copy of The Sack of Detroit. Find out about our support levels here.
The Adam Smith Society Readers’ Roundtable is a virtual quarterly book club exclusively for Adam Smith Society Young Leaders and Professionals who want to dive deeper into some of today’s most insightful and influential books on free market ideas and public policy.